International Journal of Electronic Devices and Networking
2021, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A
Wireless sensors networks in heavy vehicle wheel-rim manufacturing industries
Author(s): B Ravindrakumar, K Mahesvari and P Dhivyabarathi
Abstract: The Wireless Sensor Networks are major contribution of number of different applications domain. In this paper articulate an important role of Ad hoc sensors and networks applications in rim manufacturing industries. Ad hoc sensors and network systems can assimilate the heterogeneous collections of manufacturing tools, equipment and devices real time operation with data logging report. With the help of this technology we assure that rim manufacturing system monitoring the production counts with maximizing the quality of products of zero defects and zero down time operations. The rim manufacturing processes are under several processing units with more number of essential parameters. Those code converted parameters are clustered by Ad hoc Wireless Sensor Network. This facilitates researchers and engineers to evaluate their different communication network topologies in automated industrial applications like industry 4.0.
Pages: 24-26 | Views: 830 | Downloads: 293
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How to cite this article:
B Ravindrakumar, K Mahesvari, P Dhivyabarathi. Wireless sensors networks in heavy vehicle wheel-rim manufacturing industries. Int J Electron Devices Networking 2021;2(1):24-26.