International Journal of Electronic Devices and Networking
2021, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A
An investigation of random fractal-notch antenna on a square patch geometry
Author(s): Rajarajeshwari KC, Saravanan S and Nivetha R
Abstract: Fractal antennas have been in use from early 80’s. In this paper we design certain fractal notches in microstrip antenna which gives much improved antenna properties like gain, bandwidth, efficiency, reduced return losses, directivity and so on. Finally, a comparison with normal microstrip antenna without notch is made with fractal notched strip antenna. This can also be used for multiband applications since it covers many frequency bands.
Pages: 15-18 | Views: 953 | Downloads: 399
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How to cite this article:
Rajarajeshwari KC, Saravanan S, Nivetha R. An investigation of random fractal-notch antenna on a square patch geometry. Int J Electron Devices Networking 2021;2(1):15-18.