International Journal of Electronic Devices and Networking
2023, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A
Enhancing the efficacy of thin films via chemical Vapor deposition techniques
Author(s): Mohammed M Alsmadi and Sereen Farahneh
Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive study on enhancing the efficacy of thin films using advanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) techniques. Thin films are pivotal in various technological applications, ranging from electronics to photovoltaics, and their performance is critically dependent on their quality and uniformity. Chemical Vapor Deposition, a versatile and widely used method for thin film fabrication, offers precise control over film properties. This study explores the optimization of CVD processes to improve the physical and chemical properties of thin films, thereby enhancing their functional performance. The paper begins with an overview of thin film applications and the fundamental principles of CVD. It then delves into the latest advancements in CVD technology, focusing on process optimization strategies such as temperature regulation, precursor flow control, and atmospheric adjustments. Special attention is given to the development of novel CVD techniques, including plasma-enhanced and atomic layer deposition, which provide superior control at the molecular level.
DOI: 10.22271/27084477.2023.v4.i2a.45
Pages: 01-04 | Views: 333 | Downloads: 153
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How to cite this article:
Mohammed M Alsmadi, Sereen Farahneh. Enhancing the efficacy of thin films via chemical Vapor deposition techniques. Int J Electron Devices Networking 2023;4(2):01-04. DOI: 10.22271/27084477.2023.v4.i2a.45