International Journal of Electronic Devices and Networking
  • Printed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal

P-ISSN: 2708-4477, E-ISSN: 2708-4485

International Journal of Electronic Devices and Networking

2024, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A
S. No. Title and Authors Name
Multilayered voice authentication systems
Rishabh and Saksham Azad
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 01-07
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 313 KB  |  Views: 406   Downloads: 162
Navigating the visual complexity: A deep dive into cifar-10 enhancement using resnet-50
Ashmandeep Kaur and Shivani
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 08-14
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 733 KB  |  Views: 520   Downloads: 227
Enhanced patch SVDD-based detection of defects in power amplifier circuits
Dedi Sumarno and U Rosad
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 15-18
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Indonesia  |  File Size: 493 KB  |  Views: 126   Downloads: 67
Linear phase frequency detectors in low-voltage phase-locked loop designs
Xin Feng and Si-Zhou Chen
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 19-23
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: China  |  File Size: 340 KB  |  Views: 131   Downloads: 54
Accident detection and reporting system for 2-wheel vehicles
Rohan Sahay, Anoopraj Verma and Megha Dadel
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 24-30
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 458 KB  |  Views: 142   Downloads: 73
Using nanomaterials to create better sensors for environmental monitoring
Dr. Anna Bianchi
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 31-34
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Graphene-based electronic devices: Properties, performance, and applications
Dr. Yacine Mecheri
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 35-39
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Algeria  |  File Size: 430 KB  |  Views: 100   Downloads: 44
Proving the efficiency of multi-box nonlinear mixer models in boosting RF performance
Mateja Pogačnik and Nataša Kovač
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 40-44
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Slovenia  |  File Size: 622 KB  |  Views: 118   Downloads: 44
Thermal management solutions for high-power electronic devices
Katarzyna Lewandowski
Int. J. Electron. Devices Networking, 2024; 5(1): 45-47
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Poland  |  File Size: 283 KB  |  Views: 181   Downloads: 114
International Journal of Electronic Devices and Networking
Call for book chapter